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Ohmai Tech Labs LLP

We offer a comprehensive approach to improving project delivery

We are one of the highly experienced health care-application based innovative product research organization. We Manufacture products like pillDoser device,UVClean water bottle/water dispenser,UVC-A Garbage bin disinfector, UVC-A Toilet commode disinfector to help families to lead a healthy & hyginec lifestyle. Now our product developments are in the area for cronical patients/senior-citizens/TB /HIV patients, where they have to take 5-10 tablers on daily basis.but are not getting cured properly due to poor medication adherance and this makes them to go back to hospital(re-admit) for treatment. In hospitals the patients who are admited for various treatements has been hospitalized have to take 5-10 tablets a day or need 24/7 care and it is really a big task for the attenders/nurse and for the hospital

management to take care of many hospitalized /cronical patients.,every patients has to take medicine on the correct timing and schedule and the hospital management my not have those many attenders/nurse to take care of every single patients so it creaters a critical and firesome situation to both the patient and hospital. based on the above patient care and post treatment support to recover from possible illness and to avoid going back to hospital again and again due to poor adherance of medication like -pill,non-pills,vital readings,food diet and physical activity are being monitored and tracked continuously through the day and night (24/7) to independendly take care of themselvel through OHM PillDozer device. Using the PillDozer device more than 90% positive results are being achived through over initial field trail, which has been condected in a set of old age home and few clinics and some individual cronocal patients who often take medication on the go.

In addition to the above we also take care of the well being and hygenic lifestyle of a family 4-6 people UV sterlizable water bottle and water dispensing unit with easy access and use on the go(indoor and out door) carry UV clean bottle to use on the go

we are also developing a product called water from air which will provide clean nd hygine water free from BFV, People are currently using RO plant which will drawing water from the well with high tds (ppm) and reject average 50% of the water back to the well from where the water had drawn ,this will 100% increase TDS which will again and again contamidate and will increase the tds lvl abnormally . Most of the countries baned RO due to environment ground water contamination and soon india will follow. our commitment is to protect the ground water ,not to entertain bottled water which is expensive in addition to make use of drinking tap water only, also protect the water contamination due to water reject and protecting the socity from stop drew water from ground and prevent ground water diplesion .

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Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision

Past generations grew up with established best practices for health and well-being. In Sanskrit, "Svasthya" means not only the absence of illness but also the presence of happiness. We provide innovative solutions through convenient and stylish gadgets that combine ancient wisdom with modern demands. We realize that individuals, society, and the nation are interconnected and can impact each other in remarkable ways. Our vision is to address human well-being in terms of the flourishing of humankind.

Our Mission

Our mission is to innovate for human well-being and operate as per our philosophy- “business as a charity”. All of our products are designed to meet the 4E criteria:

1. Economic - affordable and accessible
2. Efficient - well-designed and engineered
3. Ethical - highest quality and service free
4. Environment - lifecycle driven and self sustainable